Warangal : MLA Narender warns BJP of tough action

Update: 2021-12-20 23:13 IST

Warangal East MLA Nannapuneni Narender leading a protest in Fort Warangal on Monday

Warangal : TRS cadres led by Warangal East MLA Nannapuneni Narender took out a huge demonstration in protest against the Central government's anti-farmers policies.

Speaking at the protest in Fort Warangal here on Monday, Narender demanded the Narendra Modi government to continue purchasing paddy from Telangana farmers. "The farmers are already in dire straits and their problems would be augmented if the Centre refuses to procure paddy from Telangana," Narender said.


Referring to the State government's welfare initiatives such as Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, 24-hour free power supply etc, he accused the Centre of being insensitive towards the farmers' issues. "BJP should understand that the whole farming community is against it.

KCR is committed to the welfare of farmers and they will rally around him to teach the Centre a fitting lesson, he added. He threatened the Centre to intensify the agitation if it continued its anti-farmer policies. KCR will emerge successful in this fight against the Centre, Narender expressed confidence.

It's high time that the Centre heeds to the justifiable demands of the farmers, he said, demanding an assurance from it to purchase the entire paddy produced in Telangana.

Deputy Mayor Rizwana Shameem Masood, Corporators V Suvarna and B Uma were among others present. The TRS cadres who burned the effigy of Centre also carried out a funeral procession. 



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