Top cop lords police for bringing lawrels

Update: 2018-10-22 06:00 IST

Rajamahendravaram: Police Commemoration Day was observed on the premises of urban superintendent of police office here on Sunday. Elected representatives, urban superintendent of police Dr Shemushi Bajpayee and other police officers paid floral tributes to martyrs and admired their sacrifices rendered to society.

Participating in the programme, Mayor Pantham Rajani Sesha Sai, MLC Adireddy Appa Rao, MLA Gorantla Buchaiah Choudary and urban superintendent of police Dr Shemushi Bajpayee said society never forget the sacrifices of the martyrs. 


They patted Andhra Pradesh police for getting laurels across the country for its efficient functioning. 

The police department was succeeding in unravelling many cases by availing latest technology and the police personnel were enhancing their professional skills, they said. 

Moreover, the department was also participating in social service activities and also helping the needy, they said. All the policemen were working for society at the cost of attachment with their families. 

They appealed to the people to extend their cooperation to the police department to work with more efficiency.

Additional SP M Rajanikanth Reddy, K Latha Madhuri, YV Ramana Kumar, vigilance SP R Gangadhar, Deputy Superintendents of Police J Kula Sekhar, Bharat Mataji, Nagaraju, inspectors and others were present.



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