Narasimha Nandi next on honour killing

Update: 2018-11-29 05:30 IST

National-award winning director Narasimha Nandi is now making a thought-provoking film against ‘honour killing’ with all new faces. “It will showcase the ugly side of caste inequalities and anger against the lower castes,” says Nandi, who bagged  a national award for his film ‘1940 Lo Oka Gramam’. “Awards  get us respect and confidence but no work. Hence, I have resolved to dish out some commercial movies with interesting stories,” he adds. With no big producer coming forward, he has pooled money from his friends for his upcoming movie which is a beautiful love story set in a rural backdrop with new faces playing the lead. 


“I don’t want to go against the tide, rather flow with the river. I have realised that the Telugu audience love to watch heart-warming love stories, so, I have chosen to make one,” he points out. Rather than making it as a routine boy-meets-girl story, he has weaved a topical issue-honour killing- around it. “It will be an emotional and gripping film and it will have an edge over other love stories,” he concludes. It seems that the maker of ‘High School’ is changing lanes for a faster and smooth ride. 



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