Amavas: dare to step in

Update: 2019-02-10 05:30 IST

Out here in hyderabad when people have had enough of something- Amma Buss  is a major slang. `Amavas’ unfortunately also sounds almost like Amma Buss. This movie is about a couple in love  who move to a marooned abandoned summer house which looks scary and haunted in every frame. The rich boy wants to take his girl out to France to propose to her but she insists she wants to be proposed in totally shady place.


The house as you guessed right is haunted and then we are treated to dragging one hour where the plot does not move and we are treated to sudden-stand-behind moments of a dark figure called Maya. Finally the truth is revealed and since revealing it to you will be a spoiler we won’t reveal it. Though our strict advise is to not venture anywhere near the theater to find out the truth remains.

So after about fourty odd minutes of a dragging climax where ghosts fly, climb walls, sing movie songs ( yes the ghost actually sings a movie song in final moments ) this story less torture ends. ‘Amavas’ could have actually made it the category of so bad that it is good but those moments are very few. Like in most visuals the hero appears at least three inch shorter than the heroine. You actually see a female ghost moving with candle and singing songs in this one. Yes the trend that went out of fashion in early 80s is partly revived by the director here. Ali Asgar in his stand up comedy mode only adds to the absurdity of the movie.

You feel sorry for Mona Singh as she seems to be the only better thing in this movie. Nargis Fakri looks glamouros and does little else. Sachin Joshi is a text book case of low blood pressure acting, it works ok when scenes are about his brooding but when he has to show intensity or romance he comes a cropper. 



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