SC, ST, OBC people should fight against the communal forces Says Prof Kancha Ilaiah

Update: 2018-11-24 22:56 IST

- A two day seminar has been started in SV University on Dalith rights

- KVPS leaders and social activists from TamilNadu, AP, Telengana were present

Tirupati: Prof Kancha Ilaiah renowned social activist and analyst gave a call that SC, ST and OBC people should fight against the RSS and its communal forces in country for protecting their panda mental rights which were given by the Indian constitution. 


A two day national level seminar was begun on Dalith Rights and Implementation of Reservations” by the KulaVivaksha Vayathireka PorataSamithi (KVPS) on the occasion of its 20th anniversary here in SV University arts black auditoriam.

In the meeting Prof Ilaiah addressing the social activists said that in present situation there was no guarantee for oppressed class people in the country. At many parts in the country in the name of Govada few forward casts people continuing their attacks on Daliths. But Governments have not asked such forward castes atrocities and did not take stringent action against on them for comitting grave crimes, he added.
Ilaiah stressed that Government of India and all the state governments should encourage the inter caste, similarly he demanded the governments RS 5 laksh rupees as financial aid to the inter caste married couple.

Though many talented persons in Dalith community, our policy makers have not been encouraging SC, ST OBC youth in filling the various jobs and other important positions, he added. Finally Kancha Ilaiah demanded that governments should introduce a welfare scheme Kulabandhu to give the financial assistance to the caste based professional artisans like model of rythubandhu scheme.

Later, former YSRC Tirupati MP VaraPrasad told that so far SC, STs and other backward caste people are suppressing by the forward castes in the largest democratic country India. He mentioned that united fight of all oppressed class people is the only solution to overcome the social evil untouchability and other bad practices which were practicing by the forward castes people in rural areas.

The MLC Y Srinviasula Reddy alleged that the BJP led PM Modi government is trying to bring back the Manu Dharma Sasthram which the principles were practiced earlier in society against the Daliths. He urged that everyone should hit back such efforts and teach a lesson to Modi Government in forthcoming general elections 2019.

In the meeting KVPS state secretary A Malayadrai informed that on the occasion of KVPS 20th anniversary this seminar is organising over the Dalith rights protection and with the demand rule of reservation implementation for SC, STs in private sector companies too.

Before the seminar commencing KVPS artists 200 persons have performed their art " Dappula Nruthyam" in the rally which went on Tirupati roads from Ambedkar Bhavan to SVUniversity via Balaji Colony and university road. 

KVPS state President KothaPalli Subramanyam, District Secretary M Srinivasulu, CPM leaders A Pullaiah, K Kumar Reddy, APNM general secretary Yadagiri, retired judge Gurappa also spoke in the seminar. Delegates from AP, Telengana, TamilNadu, Karnataka other states were present.



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