Advocate accuses Suriya of contempt of court for his NEET comments

Update: 2020-09-14 20:32 IST

Advocate accuses Suriya of contempt of court for his NEET comments

With the NEET entrance examination held on Sunday raising a series of protests all over the country, cine actor and activist Suriya too joined the bandwagon. In a long statement, he had pointed fingers at the Establishment, including the judiciary. For this reaction of his, an advocate, Subramaniam has appealed to A P Shahi, Chief Justice, Madras High Court to consider it as contempt of court, reports Dina Thanthi.


Suriya lamented that instead of providing equal opportunities to everyone, the government was creating differences with its proposed education policy. ' The policymakers are unaware of the ground realities and devising policies, he said while commenting that 'the judges are taking up virtual sessions fearing their lives while they compel the students to write examinations in real-time.'

Understandably, the film fraternity has not reacted openly with only noted director P Bharathiraja coming out in support of the matinee idol. Bharathiraja said that Suriya is not wrong at all in his opinion and he fully supports him.

Actress and BJP party worker, Gayathri Raghuram has flayed Suriya for his 'illogical' comments and said he should have ideally encouraged the students to go ahead and write the examinations fearlessly. Fans of the actor are active on social media with the hashtag #TNStandwithSuriya.



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