PlayStation 5 Update Restricts Cronus Zen Cheat Devices

Update: 2024-01-25 12:17 IST

The most recent update for the PlayStation 5 has implemented measures preventing the Cronus Zen controller emulator, a device known for enabling cheating in various games, from connecting. Although labelled as a "controller emulator" by Cronus, users have exploited it to make unauthorized adjustments to their controllers, including recoil reduction and set macros. Some individuals using keyboards and mice also leverage Cronus Zen to deceive the console into recognizing them as controller users, enhancing their aiming and movement capabilities.


The Cronus website alerts users that the PS5's 24.01-08.60.00 update no longer allows the Cronus Zen to establish a connection with the console. While Cronus has not provided a definite timeline for resolving this issue, it remains uncertain whether Sony intentionally issued a patch to block the Cronus Zen. Additionally, the impact on other third-party cheating hardware, such as XIM and ReaSnow S1, remains unknown.

Sony has not yet responded to a request for comment on the situation. However, if Sony deliberately restricted the use of Cronus Zen, it would align with actions taken by other gaming industry giants. Xbox imposed a comprehensive ban on "unauthorized" controllers and accessories in October, and companies like Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Bungie, and Epic Games have intensified efforts to combat the use of third-party hardware for cheating in their respective games.



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