A very big shock to Gadwal Congress party

Update: 2023-10-18 18:55 IST

The DCC president Patel Prabhakar Reddi had given a very big shock to Gadwal Congress party by resigning to his position as well as his membership.

On the other hand he was also met with the BRS MLA Bandla Krisnamohan Reddy.

On this occasion the ex DCC president allegedly stated that the Telangana PCC president Revanth Reddy is selling tickets for money and does not cared for the cadre who have been working for the party sincerely from years together.He is giving preference to the newly joined rich people like Sarita tirupathaiah and allotted the Gadwal seat to her for money. He warned the PCC president that people will teach you a right lesson at a right time.


He also thanked the cadres who have resigned for Congress party along with him.Some of the cadere were burnt the Congress flexes .

He praised the ex ZPTC,and MPP Umadevi,KT Doddi mandal president Viswanath Reddy,Dharur mandal president Srikanth Goud,DCC vice President Karunakar,Raghu Naidu,and other cadre who went along with him.

The political experts says that it will be a big shock to PCC, and the president should review all the issues at once.



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