BJP, Congress slam government for failure to contain malaria, dengue fevers

Update: 2019-09-11 02:18 IST

Hyderabad: The BJP and Congress party leaders on Tuesday expressed the feeling that the State government had badly slipped up in containing malaria and dengue fevers in the State.

The GHMC too has not taken timely action resulting in the city hospitals being crowded with patients from across the State.

The BJP chief spokesperson Krishna Saagar Rao felt that the MAUD Minister and government woke up to the reality a bit too late. The city is already in the grip of dengue and other viral fevers. He said there was no need to come up with a calendar now.


The State Health Department should have had a protocol in place by now .

If the Delhi government led by Kejriwal could do wonders and control dengue so efficiently, why can't the Telangana government do it, another BJP leader said.

Kejriwal had waged a war against dengue almost three years back and has been continuously creating awareness and involved the people in the mission.

He had also opened mohalla hospitals across Delhi and all of them have excellent facilities on a par with corporate hospitals. They conduct 125 tests and all of them are free of costs. The only test for which they charge is the Elisa test.

They collect Rs 600 towards the cost of Elisa test kit. All medicines are given free of cost and OP is held both in the morning and evening. Not just that, mobile medical vans have been pressed into service and they visit all the colonies including the slums and posh colonies.

These vans are attached with audio system. They announce their arrival and distribute free medicines to the patients. The Ops in Mohalla clinics have specialist doctors, house surgeons and general physicians.

Former MP and senior Congress member V Hanumantha Rao said the government must lay focus on preventing the dengue fever by taking up massive sanitation activities. He found fault with KTR cleaning some pots at Pragathi Bhavan.

He said if even Pragathi Bhavan has mosquitoes, then god save the people. He said the GHMC in Hyderabad should take up massive sanitation drive, clear the debris, stagnated water and the garbage immediately. 



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