Karimnagar: Young Scientist Awards presented to children

Update: 2021-03-01 00:23 IST

Young Scientist Awards presented to children

Karimnagar: The representatives of the Barosa Voluntary Social Service organisation in association with Impala Junior College presented Barosa Young Scientist Awards-2020 to winners at a programme organised on the occasion of National Science Day, which is celebrated every year to mark the day the invention of Raman Effect by the Indian Scientist Sir CV Raman, here on Sunday.


The competition was on YouTube for the past two months and several students from various districts participated in it.

Attending as chief guest to the programme, Additional Collector Shyam Prasad Lal appreciated the organisers for hosting such a programme and encouraging students towards new discoveries and inventions that too through social media platform keeping in view of Covid-19 situations.

The life of people and several organisms on this earth from time of birth to death is surrounded by science. Anyone who has keen interest in certain things by exploring it can become a good scientist in the future, he said.



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