Nizamabad: Civic body blames it on poor planning of city

Update: 2021-12-09 23:23 IST

Nizamabad municipal office

Nizamabad: Shabby roads, streets littered with garbage, choked sewerage lines and rusty, leaking pipes are the features of almost every densely populated area in Nizamabad which any outsider can easily spot the moment he enters this district headquarters city.

The scene reflects poorly on the ability of the municipal bodies to cater to the basic needs of over 3,91,070 inhabitants in a city where years of religious bigotry and and illegal structures have also contributed to the deterioration in its infrastructure.


Nizamabad town is one of the districts headquarters of Telangana State. Nizamabad municipalty upgraded as Municipal Corporation on March 5th, 2005. Nizamabad town is having 3,91,070 population with nine (9) merged villages and it is divided into 60 divisions area which includes urban constituency, some part of rural and Armor constituencies area and it is also divided into five zones for administrative setup.

After elected as present council, we have taken up various developmental activities in the town for the citizens with the co operation of jurisdiction MLAs. Nizamabad council has taken up developmental works and welfare programmes of Telangana State government for the citizens of Nizamabad town. Such as laying of different kinds of roads, construction of CC drains, construction of community halls, developmental of junctions, developmental of parks, construction of Vaikuntadhamams, erection of prakruti vanams, forming of nurseries for implementation of Harita Haram programme, construction of public toilets etc. With the funding of State government and municipal funds, lists of developmental works were taken up since last 24 months.

Construction of drains at 75 various places in the town with the worth of Rs 963.00 lakhs. Laying of CC roads in 77 various places in the town with Rs 829.00 lakhs funds. Laying of BT roads at 20 various places in the town with Rs 347.00 lakhs. Laying of WBM roads at 77 various places in the town worth of Rs 829.00 lakhs.

Construction of community halls at 10 places in the town with the worth of Rs 106.00 lakhs. Laying of drinking water pipe lines at 4 various places in the town with worth of Rs 30.00 lakhs.

Construction of public toilets at 46 various places in the town 227 seats with the worth of Rs 406.00 lakhs. Provided 2 mobile toilets for public convenience at the time of festivals and public meeting with the worth of Rs 9.50lakhs. To destroy plastic from collected garbage from residential and non residential areas erected a Plasmic Core Machine at dumping yard with the worth of Rs 39.00lakhs. Established 21 nurseries and to maintain plantation programme with the Worth of Rs. 2300.00 lakh. Construction of Vaikuntadamams at 17 places with the worth of Rs. 1205.00 Lakhs

"It's all limited to the papers, the facts continue to be told in the form of the suffering of the people here. The entire planning process at NMC level is flawed. These bodies hardly have technical people to undertake the task and chart out a vision for the future," opines the official. "The focus is on mere compilation of project lists that doesn't amount to planning."

NMC are supposed to work as corporate bodies, mandated to provide municipal services ranging from planning to execution and maintenance of sewerage, drainage and waste disposal related projects and schemes. However, these bodies which have hundreds of workers at their disposal have not been able to undertake the task they are supposed to do. Since the providers of municipal services are not made accountable, the deterioration in service delivery is not surprising.



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