AP police release special video over Coronavirus, lockdown precautions

AP police release special video over Coronavirus, lockdown precautions

AP Police Coronavirus Video

AP Police Coronavirus Video: AP The 21 days national-wide lockdown is continuing, and the police are making all the efforts in implementing it by doing 24/7 duties on the road by risking their lives for the safety of the people.

They urge people to stay at home and don't unnecessarily come on to the streets. However, still, some people neglecting their words and roaming on the roads.

To bring awareness among the residents over Coronavirus and the importance of staying at home, the police implementing lockdown strictly, doing lathi charge on Covidiots for violating lockdown.

During the critical times, AP police have released a special video over creating awareness on how police are working hard to ensure the safety of the public. In the video, AP GP Goutam Sawang urges people not to panic and say yes to precautions.

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