Katasani Rambhupal Reddy to participate in inauguration of OHSR tank

Katasani Rambhupal Reddy to participate in inauguration of OHSR tank

Panyam MLA Mr. Katasani Ramabhupal Reddy will participate in inauguration of newly constructed OHSR tank at Kalluru Mandal Neravada Village in Panyam Constituency tomorrow

Panyam MLA Mr. Katasani Ramabhupal Reddy will participate in inauguration of newly constructed OHSR tank at Kalluru Mandal Neravada Village in Panyam Constituency tomorrow. He will participate in the inauguration programs of C.C roads built with lakhs of rupees.

Therefore, they requested all YSR Congress Party leaders, activists, media friends and social media members within the constituency to participate and make this program a success.

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