YS Jagan Mohan Reddy mulls filling up of nominated posts soon

CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy

Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy


Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is likely to fill nominated posts with some key party functionaries in a day or two to boost their morale as they strived hard for the victory of the YSRCP and eagerly waiting for such postings

Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is likely to fill nominated posts with some key party functionaries in a day or two to boost their morale as they strived hard for the victory of the YSRCP and eagerly waiting for such postings.

According to sources, the nominated posts are finalised based on the future Cabinet changes and MLC posts to be filled under local bodies and MLAs quota. It is learnt that priority is being given to those leaders who worked for the party and got defeated in 2019 elections. It is said that around 32 chairperson posts of various corporations were already finalised.

The government had decided to announce the nominated posts on YSR birth anniversary (July 8), however, it was deferred as the list was not finalised. As the Chief Minister had announced earlier that he would replace 50 percent of the ministers during the proposed reshuffle after two and half years of governance, speculations are rife that priority will be given to those leaders who would be more useful for the election point of view so that the party can come back to power.

According to the sources, priority will be given to Visakhapatnam district leaders in the nominated posts as the city is going to emerge as the executive capital of the state soon. Giving priority to Visakhapatnam district, chairman posts were offered to 11 YSRCP leaders and director posts were offered to other leaders.

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