Yoga and spiritual practice for Makara Sankranti

Yoga and spiritual practice for Makara Sankranti

Makara Sankranti, the radiant Hindu jubilee, marks the Sun’s spectacular journey into the cosmic realm of Capricorn (Makara).

Makara Sankranti, the radiant Hindu jubilee, marks the Sun’s spectacular journey into the cosmic realm of Capricorn (Makara). Celebrated with zest in mid-January, this festivity signals the triumphant end of winter solstice and the dawn of lengthening days. The festival is known by various names across India, such as Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Lohri in Punjab, and Uttarayan in Gujarat.

Beyond its agricultural roots, Makara Sankranti dances with cultural and spiritual flair. Culinary creations like tantalizing sesame and jaggery sweets showcase gratitude for the lavish harvest.

Meanwhile, the skies come alive with the vibrant dance of kites, a symbolic spectacle heralding the journey from shadows to radiance. As kites ascend, so does the spirit, shedding the weight of negativity and joyously embracing the positivity that flutters in the wind.

This celestial transition isn’t just a festival; it’s a symphony of traditions, a canvas painted with hues of cultural vibrancy, and a kite dance that mirrors the ascent from darkness into the brilliant embrace of light.

It is an auspicious day to commence with positive and powerful practices to elevate your spirit. Here are the practices you can use to make the most of this propitious day.

1. Awaken & Radiate in the Morning Sun:

Embracing the first light extends beyond scientific wisdom, resonating profoundly with the soul. Early risers, synchronized with the natural circadian rhythm, optimize sleep patterns and enhance overall health.

Soaking in the morning sun increases Vitamin D levels, essential for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

The spirit ascends, and the mind welcomes mindfulness, creating a perfect backdrop for meditation or prayer. This cultivates a tranquil connection and inner serenity, fostering a profound sense of peace.

This fusion of scientific precision and spiritual awakening creates a symphony, harmonizing the biological clock with spiritual practices, gifting a holistic sense of well-being.

Each sunrise becomes not just a routine but a sacred ritual, offering a daily invitation to embark on a journey of renewal and harmonious existence.

1. Practice Sun Salutations:

Surya Namaskar communicates a profound spiritual message rooted in the ancient traditions of Surya Yoga: to salute the Sun through specific asanas as the embodiment of energy, power, and vitality. This ritual is best embraced at or before sunrise.

Comprising eight asanas woven into a sequence of 12 steps for each side, it benefits the physical, psychological, and spiritual facets of life. Regular practice is believed to foster personal development and maturation, with an ideal goal of completing 108 cycles for two to three weeks for an auspicious evolution.

1. Offerings to the Sun

In the spirit of auspiciousness, offering a ghee diya to the Sun becomes a sublime expression of appreciation, humility, and love. This divine offering, connecting Body, Mind, and Spirit, invites the powers and blessings of the Sun within.

1. Distribution of food

Bestowing food to people in need before partaking in a meal takes on a profound cultural and spiritual significance.

Termed “prasad” or “blessed food,” this act symbolizes gratitude, humility, and a recognition of the divine presence in daily life. Rooted in the Hindu concept of “Anna dana,” offering food as selfless service to God and humanity, it transcends religious boundaries. This act fosters mindfulness and a sense of interconnectedness, fostering a deeper appreciation for the food on the table and cultivating a spirit of generosity and gratitude in daily life.

Enjoying mealtime with family.

Dining with family becomes more than just a meal – it’s a crucial celebration of bonds and unity. This shared time around the table sparks communication, creating a supportive environment where family members share experiences, express feelings, and revel in achievements.

Beyond nourishing the body, family meals contribute to mental well-being, establishing traditions and rituals that become the bedrock of love, understanding, and support within the family unit.

Meditation and Self Talk - Surya Dhyaan

Immerse yourself in the transformative meditation technique, Surya Dhyaan.

This powerful practice focuses the mind, infusing vigor, power, and strength. Guided by potent mantras and instructions, such as the uplifting chant “Om Suryaya Namaha,” this practice, whether in the warmth of the Sun or bathed in its rays, becomes a journey towards profound self-discovery.

Quiet contemplation, coupled with positive energy infusion, becomes a potent tool for growth and development in all facets of life. Beyond its agricultural origins, Makara Sankranti is a journey into spiritual enlightenment. Ritualistic dips in sacred rivers cleanse devotees of sins and bestow spiritual merit. This festival celebrates life’s cyclical nature, an ode to gratitude, and a vibrant promise of brighter days ahead. In the tapestry of Makara Sankranti, the spirit soars, and the soul dances to the rhythm of an enlightened existence.

(The writer is the founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa)

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