Social Media “Influencer” Calls to Behead “Kafirs” in Viral Video

Social Media “Influencer” Calls to Behead “Kafirs” in Viral Video

Police Swiftly Arrest Two Involved in the Case

Yadgir: Following the circulation of incendiary videos across social media platforms, the Yadgir police swiftly apprehended two individuals involved in the controversial case. The videos in question, uploaded to an Instagram account, contained explicit calls for violence, with the creators advocating for the beheading of those who purportedly insulted Prophet Muhammad.

The incident unfolded four days prior when Syed Ali Akbar Jagirdar posted an inflammatory video on his Instagram account. In his video, Jagirdar urged his followers to endorse beheadings as retribution for any perceived slight against Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing, "You can tolerate anything but not disrespect to Allah." He further propagated the view that "kafirs" (non-believers) belong solely in hell. Shockingly, his rhetoric escalated to the point where he advocated for the execution of Hindu men who had entered into marriages with Muslim women.

As the videos garnered viral attention and prompted widespread outrage, numerous users took to social media to tag law enforcement authorities, urging swift action against the culprits behind the speeches.

In response to the growing public concern, the Hindu Jana Jagruthi Samithi rallied for the Karnataka police to take decisive action against the self-proclaimed social media influencer who propagated these dangerous views.

Mohan Gowda, a prominent figure within the Hindu Jana Jagurthi Samithi, fervently demanded that authorities initiate a criminal case against the individual responsible for issuing a call to violence, asserting that such provocation poses a threat to communal harmony.

The Yadgir District police moved swiftly to file a case at the Rural Police Station and, on the same night, apprehended the two individuals at the center of the controversy.

The detainees, Akbar Syed Bahadur Ali (23) and Mohammed Ayaz (21), were taken into custody under the charges specified in Sections 153 and 505/2 of the Indian Penal Code. Akbar Syed was revealed to possess an Instagram account boasting over 9,000 followers, where he consistently posted provocative content. He was employed by Kohinoor Solar company. Ayaz, on the other hand, operated a local chicken shop.

The individuals in question had disseminated numerous videos across platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Threads, vehemently advocating for the execution of "kafirs."

The arrests of Akbar Syed Bahadur Ali and Mohammed Ayaz signify a decisive step by Yadgiri police to address the dissemination of inflammatory content on social media platforms. By invoking sections of the Indian Penal Code aimed at curbing provocations and statements that could incite enmity, the police are sending a strong message that such actions will not be tolerated within the bounds of civil society.

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