International Yoga Day 2019: Yoga Asanas to help you lose weight

International Yoga Day 2019: Yoga Asanas to help you lose weight

When you are tired of working out at gyms, can you remove and trying all fad diets and when nothing workouts try these simple yoga asanas this year dedicatedly for a better mind and better health...

In Yoga losing weight brings lots of dedication, commitment, disciplined lifestyle with it. As many of us want to lose weight, we try different diets, workouts, we circuit train and do yoga too but somewhere down the lane, we tend to lose hope, get bored with the training and finally we give it up. Don't You? The vicious circle goes on, and the body also gets tuned to these activities, the next time you hit a program - the body takes longer to break the pattern. Which means the next time you train to lose weight, you will have to put more effort to achieve your goal. One need to sweat it out day in and day out, fight the boredom, shred the inertia to get the fruitful results. Someone is going to smile over a period of time looking into the mirror.

Yes! yoga would definitely help one to lose weight. The best part about yoga is that it leaves you fresher and more energetic than before after the workouts. Yoga considered being more of aerobic exercise burns fewer calories during the workout compared to other strenuous which are as effective. Yoga has its own sweet way to cut the flab. It is a slow process but it cuts the fat as a knife cuts the butter. Let's look at the best Yoga poses which can help you to lose the fat.

. Surya Namaskar: 12 yoga poses combined to form a sequence is called Surya Namaskar. It is the best yoga has to offer as far as the poses are concerned. It works on the whole body, especially on the big muscle group. A beginner can start with a few rounds of it and gradually increase the number. of. rounds. It helps to shred the weight and also known as the king of the asanas.

.Warrior Pose: The Warrior Pose strengthens the hamstrings, thighs, legs, and ankles as the body weight is transferred on the thighs with the forward bend. It helps to stimulate abdominal organs which can help increase the stamina. Stamina built up can help you to keep going over a longer period of time.

. Cobra Pose: This is the pose which works on the chest and the back region. The heart opening pose helps to take deep breaths resulting in more oxygenated blood being pumped to different parts of the body. The oxygenated blood pumped to different parts of the body. The oxygenated blood helps to burn the fat. Helps in toning the buttocks also.

. Bow Pose: This is a more advanced yoga pose in not also helps in burning fat but also helps in toning of arms and legs. One can feel the stretch in the abdominal region taking this pose. The stretch helps to loosen up the fat in the region. Continuous practicing of this asana further melts the loosen belly fat.

.Side Bends: It's as important to work on muscles in the stomach region as often as working on other muscle groups. After a certain age, the body stops to grow and the fat starts accumulating in the stomach region. Side bends help to melt those love handles. These bends might not help to burn a lot of calories but will be instrumental in inch loss. Don't be surprised if you need to wear belts as your pants will be loose the next time.

Yoga does wonders on the mind as well body. It brings lots of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is really important to learn and practice yoga postures under a trained yoga teacher for the benefits. A disciplined lifestyle and eating habits can take you a long way to the body you have ever dreamed of. happy international yoga day! Pranam.

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