Swamiji and an animal lover

Swamiji and an animal lover

A heartwarming incident unfolded at the serene Mucchlukodu Subrahmanya Temple, nestled on the outskirts of Udupi

Udupi: A heartwarming incident unfolded at the serene Mucchlukodu Subrahmanya Temple, nestled on the outskirts of Udupi, as Sri Vishwaprasanna Theertha Swamiji, a Trustee of the Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Trust, became an overnight internet sensation. A video of the revered Swamiji fearlessly rescuing a cat that had tumbled into a deep well has taken social media by storm.

The feline misadventure occurred on a Sunday when Swamiji made a visit to the temple, only to be informed about a distressed cat trapped in a 40-ft-deep well. Despite attempts by others to retrieve the feline proving unsuccessful, the Swamiji, driven by his boundless compassion, took matters into his own hands. Using a rope, he descended into the well and placed the cat in a bucket, urging those above to hoist it to safety. However, fate had a different plan, as the cat unexpectedly leaped out of the bucket and plunged back into the water. Unfazed, Swamiji embarked on a remarkable display of courage and determination. Clutching the cat firmly in his hands, he scaled each rung of the well, ensuring the precious life was rescued from imminent danger. This extraordinary act of rescue has garnered immense admiration from animal lovers across the globe.

At 59 years old, Sri Vishwaprasanna Theertha Swamiji is an accomplished individual, holding a Bachelor's degree from Poorna Prajna College in Udupi. Beyond his spiritual pursuits, he is a proficient yoga practitioner and a skilled swimmer. In 1988, at the tender age of 24, he embraced the path of enlightenment, receiving the sacred 'sanyasa deeksha' (sainthood). Swamiji's profound love for animals is evident in his dedicated efforts to protect them. Notably, he established a Goshala in Neelavara, providing a sanctuary for approximately 200 cows rescued from cattle traffickers, where they receive tender care and compassion.

In another remarkable incident that captured the attention of his followers, on June 14, Swamiji surprised everyone by effortlessly climbing a jackfruit tree near the Neelavara Goshala. Equipped with a pole and a sickle, he skillfully plucked over 10 jackfruits in one go, demonstrating his unwavering connection with nature. Displaying his selflessness once again, Swamiji generously distributed the freshly harvested jackfruits to his disciples and the Goshala's staff, urging them to feed the nutritious bounty to the cows. The photographs of this unique feat quickly spread across social media platforms, further highlighting the Swamiji's affinity for all living creatures. It is worth mentioning that in previous years, he had also demonstrated the safe rescue and release of snakes into the nearby woods, showcasing his commitment to the welfare of diverse species.

The noble acts of Sri Vishwaprasanna Theertha Swamiji serve as a reminder that humanity and compassion transcend boundaries. His inspiring actions not only save lives but also inspire others to embody empathy and extend kindness towards all beings. Through his profound spiritual journey and acts of selfless service, Swamiji continues to uplift the spirits of his disciples and admirers, fostering a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world.

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