Hyderabad: City pediatricians say thumbs up chit for re-opening schools

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In 15-20 days, Omicron infection may end; it will be better if govt takes decision to re-open at least by Feb. second week

Hyderabad: If schools reopen now, will children be safe? This has raised concern among parents and teachers. According to city pediatricians, schools should reopen by taking all safety percussions. Omicron is not a senior variant and the rate of hospitalisation in the 0-17 age group is very low, compared to adults.

Dr Swamy Sandeep, consultant pediatrician and neonatologist, BBR Super Specialty Hospital, said, "it has been witnessed that the Omicron variant is very mild, if proper social distancing and covid protocols are maintained in schools then all educational institutions for all age groups can re-open. For the past one month we have seen many cases, but with very mild symptoms; hospitalisation is very low. Keeping children indoor for years has led to many psychologically and physically disturbed. As of now situation is much better compared to the first and second wave. He said if at all any new dreadful variant appears, then we can re-plan for online classes, as of now physical class should resume. It is almost two or three months left for this academic year to end. The new variant cases among children are high, but number of hospital admission is low. The variant is not dreadful, so for better future of children school should re-open. The government has to re-think every 10-15 days by reviewing the situation, then take a quick decision. As during Sankranti, it has taken decision of closing schools. If it had held a review meeting with renowned health practitioners it might have resumed schools by now, "as cases are declining considerably and most children of 15-18 age group have successfully received their first dose of vaccination. If children develop infection, it will be mild symptoms of cold, cough and fever. What I feel that more than Covid infection social media side-effects are more. It has been observed that a healthy child was not infected to any severe infection during the first and second wave; even in third wave the risk is very low in children. So, it will be better if the State government takes a decision of resuming physical classes for children of all age groups," said Dr Arvind, pediatrician of Suraksha hospital.

Nanu Som, another pediatrician said, "In 15-20 days Omicron infection may come to end. It will be better if the government take a decision of opening of schools at least by second week of February. As vaccination for the 15-18 age group has begun; after some more days almost all children of that age group will be vaccinated."

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