Self-confidence can definitely help to recover

Zakkam Vijay Kumar

Zakkam Vijay Kumar


Don’t go by what you see or read on social media. If you are diabetic and are affected by Corona virus, there is no need to worry says 52 year old Zakkam Vijay Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of police, Machilipatnam.

Vijayawada: Don't go by what you see or read on social media. If you are diabetic and are affected by Corona virus, there is no need to worry says 52 year old Zakkam Vijay Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of police, Machilipatnam.

DSP Vijay said that he was infected with Coronavirus when he visited Church for prayer in April third week. 'Unfazed by the Corona, he got admitted in the Government hospital in

Sharing his experience, DSP Vijay Kumar said that the diet he followed, treatment, positive outlook, cooperation of the family members, colleagues, hospital staff and the senior officers during the illness helped him in winning over the novel virus.

He said, "Self-confidence and positive thinking will definitely help the Covid patients to recover from the Covid'. When I was in the hospital, the superintendent of police M Ravindranath Babu, additional SP Malika Garg and other officials made zoom calls and tried to boost my confidence. I can't forget the support given by my officers and colleagues during the illness."

He further added that the hospital doctors, nurses and other staff took care of him seven days and he used to get nutritional diet that include Ragi malt, milk. Egg etc. DSP is working in AR in Machilipatnam, Krishna district and rejoined the duty after the recovery and giving inspiration to other Covid patients in the police department.

"My family members did not show their emotions and feelings when I was infected with Covid because they knew the Coronavirus would not harm me because I have good immunity and courage," he added.

Referring to diabetes, he said he has had diabetic for a long time now and was never afraid of Covid or diabetes. He said regular drinking of hot water, taking dry fruits and nutritional food would definitely boost immunity and weak the Coronavirus very fast.

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