New Delhi: Officers to ensure hygienically cooked food served to guests

New Delhi: Officers to ensure hygienically cooked food served to guests

Chefs at the International Media Centre ahead of the G20 Summit


The Delhi government’s Department of Food Safety has deployed its officers to ensure that G20 dignitaries and delegates are served hygienically cooked food during their stay at the city hotels, officials said.

New Delhi : The Delhi government’s Department of Food Safety has deployed its officers to ensure that G20 dignitaries and delegates are served hygienically cooked food during their stay at the city hotels, officials said.

A senior officer of the department said on Thursday that 18 food safety officers have been collecting samples of raw food items being used at 19 five-star hotels in New Delhi and the Aerocity area, where the foreign guests will stay.

“We do routine checking and sampling but in view of the G20 summit, we have deputed 18 food safety officers and are conducting laboratory tests on the samples being collected from the hotels since Monday,” the officer said.

The two-day summit will begin from September 9 and heads of state have already started arriving for it. Twenty-three five-star hotels have been designated for the stay of the dignitaries from different countries. The food safety officers are also ensuring kitchen and staff hygiene, including cleaning of utensils.

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