What are the Varied Symptoms of Omicron? When to go for Covid Test?

For representational purpose

For representational purpose


Dr. Ankita Baidya, is an infectious disease expert working in Manipal Hospitals in Delhi. She has briefed about major symptoms of the new variant and when to go for Covid test as well as present treatment options.

Dr. Ankita Baidya, is an infectious disease expert working in Manipal Hospitals in Delhi. She has briefed about major symptoms of the new variant and when to go for Covid test as well as present treatment options.

Symptoms of Omicron and when one should go for Covid Test?

Unlike, the Delta variant, which had varied symptoms such as lower respiratory tract and breathlessness, this time the symptoms are more of the upper respiratory tract, a cough, cold, fatigue and sometimes fever. Anybody, having these symptoms have definitely get themselves tested and it also disclose if they have had any travel history. This one is a new strain, it would get into community, so to keep the spread limited, it is significant that people having symptoms must get tested right away and quarantine accordingly.

Treatment options for Omicron in India

It's been observed that, the new strain does not have an immune escape phenomenon and it gives rise to potential for reinfection with Covid even if you are vaccinated. The treatment path is still symptomatic treatment. The new development this time, versus the 2nd wave with Delta, we have antibody cocktail. This must be recommended for Covid Positive people having comorbidities or senior citizens who are at higher risk from developing serious symptoms of Covid. The antibody cocktail required to be given early in the course of the disease.

Does mask work against Omicron

Masks are still protective. The mode of infection is similar, transmission through droplets which contains the virus from an infected person. So, masks would still work against the variant and it is significant that the public again must revert to Covid-appropriate behavior, in order to avoid a rapid spread of the new variant.

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