
The greatest mystery of the world is that humans can transform their lives with the power of a carefully directed ‘Thought’. It is called mystery because many of us are not aware of how to use this power. Never have we been taught any course in using the power of mind.

The greatest mystery of the world is that humans can transform their lives with the power of a carefully directed ‘Thought’. It is called mysterey because many of us are not aware of how to use this power. Never have we been taught any course in using the power of mind. We are unaware of how the power of a carefully directed thought can bring us closer to our dreams or push us light years away from our dream.

Everyone is going through the motions of life, sometimes been directed by people and situations around. This is not called “being the master” of your destiny, it is like “being the slave” to the external environment. We are unaware of how we use our thoughts and hence attract situations which we don’t like, events that we never wanted to happen & conditions we always run away from!The masters like Buddha, Henry Ford, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Napoleon Hill and many others were aware of the greatest mystery of the world and they used it to change their own lives as well as lives of millions of people across the world.

Let me share with you the greatest mystery of the world and how you can change your life with it. Take a note, without any doubt, that “You can attract anything in your life with the Power of a carefully directed Thought”. Have absolute faith without listening, hearing or reading anything that is contrary to this message. You have been living your life in a certain way till now and if you have not been living your dream life, it is imperative that you try this new line of thought which I would like to present here. I say this because when you live by the power of a carefully directed thought you will in no uncertain terms attract the abundance in finances, health and love that you always desired all throughout your life. Right people, situations, events and conditions will arrive in your life providing you opportunities that seemed distant at one time in your life.

Here is what I hear when people are talking about what they want in their lives – “I want a promotion, but there are three people vying for the position”, “I need this car but it is very expensive”, “I need a new home, but I won’t be able to pay the EMIs”, “I need a beautiful spouse, but I don’t look good”, etc. I want you to read the second part in every statement in the examples above. Why do you want to say that there are three people vying for the position or the car is expensive or the EMI is high or you do not look good? Simply lay your thought on what you want. Our conscious mind has limited ability to see the future, it only decides based on what is possible in physical realm. The power of carefully directed thought works in the spiritual realm which is beyond the conscious mind to understand. Miracles happen in lives of those who believe in it. Ask anyone who is highly successful and they will tell you, that on their journey they met the right people, came across the right opportunities and simply were at the right place at the right time even in the midst of difficult times. Without right people, situations and events appearing they would not have become successful. This is not luck, this is pure science.

Whatever you put your focus on begins moving towards you. If you think about not looking good, you will attract experiences in your life which will prove your thought true, when you think that car is expensive, it will look expensive and move away from you, when you think you will not be able to pay EMIs you will get tensed and your work efficiency will go down which ultimately leads to difficulty in paying the EMIs. Get away from the negative spiral by always being in a positive emotion. When you feel positive you begin to act positive and the whole world seems to help you live your dream – let the shower of miracles bless your life.

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