Women’s college golden jubilee from Dec 10

Women’s college golden jubilee from Dec 10

Principal of Sri Kadukuri Rajya Lakshmi College for Women Dr NVS Ratna Kumari and correspondent Pallam Raju said that the golden jubilee celebrations of the college will be held for three days from December 10

Rajamahendravaram: Principal of Sri Kadukuri Rajya Lakshmi College for Women Dr NVS Ratna Kumari and correspondent Pallam Raju said that the golden jubilee celebrations of the college will be held for three days from December 10.

Speaking to reporters at the college here on Friday, they said Mayor Pantham Rajani Sesha Sai would inaugurate the golden jubilee celebrations and MP Maganti Murali Mohan would inaugurate an auditorium constructed by alumni at an estimated cost of Rs 15 lakh.

Urban MLA Dr Akula Satyanarayana, Rural MLA Gorantla Buchaiah Choudary, Commissioner Sumit Kumar and old students of the college would participate in the three-day celebrations.

They appealed to all old students to participate in the golden jubilee celebrations without fail.

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