Hyderabad startups develop tech solutions to fight coronavirus

Hyderabad startups develop tech solutions to fight coronavirus
Hyderabad startups develop tech solutions to fight coronavirus

9 startups from T-Hub come out with solutions ranging from wireless thermal sensor to drone tech

Hyderabad: T-Hub, the startup incubator set up by the Telangana government, on Thursday announced that nine of its startups have come up with innovative methods to combat Covid-19, the global pandemic triggered by novel coronavirus originated in China. The solutions developed by these startups range from contactless wireless thermal sensor to drone solutions.

BlueSemi, a startup at the incubator, has built smart contactless wireless thermal sensor and imager that measures the temperature of individuals and a crowd and relays it to any Bluetooth wireless device ideally on a mobile app.

Another startup Byteforce has developed an AI-based computer vision solution called SafeVision that can be integrated into any existing CCTV or drone camera to monitor people in public places, such as shopping malls, hospitals, bus stations and railway stations whether they are wearing masks, or if there are any health risks.

Blocksapp.ai offers AI bases for drone monitoring while cogni.Care has combined state-of-the-art deep AI with medical records and symptomatic data and sensor-collected data to build a composite picture of the user's health and provide analytics. Exprs launched a #ShieldMyCommunity campaign for gated communities which provides selected, dedicated on-campus delivery executives for gated communities.

MasterPCB has come out with a disinfectant sprayer with motion detection auto spray capabilities while Marut is also providing end-to-end drone solutions. Tericsoft launched an AI-based computer vision product with modules to combat Covid-19 on a CCTV, which recognizes persons with coughing symptoms and with no mask.

Ravi Narayan, CEO, T-Hub, said, "As the pandemic continues to spread, it is inspiring to identify and support entrepreneurs who are exploring possible solutions/innovations for the current global crisis. Going forward, we will see more such innovations that will deploy technologies, such as machine learning and AR/VR to lend technological support during a largescale health crisis, such as Covid-19". T-Hub will continue to support and guide these ingenious entrepreneurs in all possible ways, he added.

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