Now, drunk drivers to shell out Rs 10,000 penalty in Telangana

Now, drunk drivers to shell out Rs 10,000 penalty in Telangana

Gone are the days where the motorists paid Rs 2,000 fine if caught in drunk driving.

Gone are the days where the motorists paid Rs 2,000 fine if caught in drunk driving. As per the new rule, the drunk drivers have to shell out Rs 10,000 while those without licence should pay Rs 5,000. This will come into effect from September 1.

The state government has enhanced the fines up to 10 times under the Motor Vehicle Act which was amended recently. According to the new act, the vehiclists will be imposed fine of Rs 10,000 if fails to give way for emergency services.

However, motorists and auto unions complained that the higher fines would lead to more corruption while some said that it may increase discipline among the motorists.

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