TRS, Congress spreading false propaganda: Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy

TRS, Congress spreading false propaganda: Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy

TRS, Congress spreading false propaganda: Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy


  • Demands answers on overestimation on ‘Mana Vuru-Mana Badi’ works
  • Says people waiting for elections to defeat TRS

Hyderabad: Senior BJP leader and Tamil Nadu State co-incharge Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy on Friday lashed out at the State TRS and Congress leaders for playing match-fixing games hand-in-glove with the AIMIM to run venomous propaganda against the Centre and the BJP.

Addressing the media here, he said the strength of the BJP was growing day by day in Telangana. "The Opposition parties are not able to bear the response people had given to the public meeting of PM Narendra Modi, on the concluding day of the recently held the National Executive meeting.

He said that Modi during his speech had only mentioned what the Centre had done and what it wished to do for development of Telangana. "However, the TRS ministers and the CM have been making baseless allegations. "The Congress is daydreaming of coming to power; it is engaged in false propaganda to mislead people", he asserted.

Reddy said people are fed up with the false promises made by KCR and his vote-bank politics joining hands with the MIM, and the Congress in the name of 'golden Telangana'.

He said people of the State are waiting for elections to defeat the TRS and to teach it a lesson.

Ponguleti took strong objection to allegations of TRS and Congress that the Centre has scrapped LPG subsidy. He asked Ministers KT Rama Rao and T Harish Rao to explain why the government had hiked electricity tariff, RTC fares and registration charges.

He said Harish Rao too was engaged in false propaganda and asked whether starting Ramagundam Fertilizer factory in Telangana amounts to the Centre neglecting the State.

He said the Centre had only asked States to give their view on a proposal to install meters to agriculture electricity connections. But, some TRS ministers are spreading false propaganda claiming that the Centre is insisting to fix electric meters to the agriculture connections.

Dubbing the Congress, a sinking boat, he said the TPCC chief, who once called Congress president Sonia Gandhi a 'Balidevatha', was daydream of coming to power in Telangana.

"Farmers in Telangana are facing a tough time with the onset of monsoon and starting of agriculture season. However, the CM chair the State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) meeting. There is no planning for the agriculture season. But, the TRS chief and ministers have all the time to play politics from morning to night throwing the administration to winds, he criticised.

Reddy demanded an answer from the State government and Ministers KTR and Harish Rao on the Commissioner of Tenders raising a red flag on 100 per cent overestimated tenders the contractors submitted for executing the 'Mana Vuru-Mana Badi' works.

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