Chittoor TDP leader Pulivarti Sudha Reddy participates Babu Surety Bhavishayat ki Guarantee",

Update: 2024-02-09 11:19 IST

Pulivarti Sudhareddy, the president of Chittoor District Telugu Desam Party Parliament and an MLA candidate for Chandragiri Constituency, has mentioned during a program in Damalacheruvu that the shape of Tirupati District and Pakala Mandal will change. The program, titled "Mee inti Vaddaku mee Pulivarthi Nani" and "Babu Surety Bhavishayat ki gurantee", was well-received by local TDP and Jana Sena leaders who warmly welcomed Sudhareddy. During the program, Sudhareddy went from house to house, inquiring about the people's problems and highlighting the issues in their mini manifesto.


Sudhareddy criticized the policies of Chevireddy, stating that the constituency has deteriorated under his leadership. He also mentioned that the YCP government has cancelled numerous welfare schemes for BC, SC, ST, and minority communities that were implemented during the tenure of the Telugu Desam Party. Sudhareddy expressed concern over the increase in electricity charges and the rising prices of essentials, emphasizing the difficulties faced by the common people.

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If the Telugu Desam Party comes to power, Sudhareddy assured that farmers will receive Rs.20,000 per year, women will receive three free cylinders per year, each student in the family will be given Rs.15,000 per year, and the unemployed will receive Rs.3,000 per month.

Additionally, Sudhareddy mentioned plans for a garment factory in Pakala Mandal to promote women's self-employment. The factory will be established with the support of former Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu and Telugu Desam Party National General Secretary Nara Lokesh.

Sudhareddy also highlighted the lack of medical facilities in Pakala Mandal, which has a population of 45,000 people. He expressed concern about the unavailability of doctors and medicines in the existing Primary Health Center (PHC), causing residents to travel to other nearby cities for minor health problems. If the Telugu Desam Party comes to power, Sudhareddy pledged to improve medical services and provide the necessary facilities in the local hospital.

Finally, Sudhareddy promised to address the road conditions and drainage problems in the constituency. He accused the current MLA of neglecting the development of the area, stating that villages with no roads for years and unrepaired roads will see improvements under their leadership. Sudhareddy emphasized the need to elect Pulivarthi Nani, who is always dedicated to the welfare of the people.



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