MyVoice: Views of our readers - 21 Dec

Update: 2019-12-22 01:03 IST

3 capitals for AP can cause chaos

The announcement of three capitals for Andhra Pradesh by the Chief Minister during the winter session of Assembly has become a point of discussion everywhere in nook and corner of Andhra Pradesh. However, there is a mixed reaction from the public as well politicians.

The people who are going to lose from this idea is opposing it by demonstrating protests in Amaravati region and the people who are going to be benefited has welcomed the idea with a hope that it will change their fate even though experts are expressing their apprehensions over sustainability.


The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh during the last day of winter Assembly session has stated that the government has to discuss in the direction of developing all the regions and the "concept of multiple capitals too could be considered".

"We can think in terms of having three capitals, one being the legislative capital and the other two being executive capital and a judicial capital, the coastal city Visakhapatnam, which has the infrastructure, could be considered for being the executive capital and Kurnool can be considered as the judicial capital, for balanced development.

Earlier Telugu Desam Party (TDP) government had brought in a "grand design" of a capital city developing the 53,000 acre with a cost of Rs 1.00 lakh croroe "but our priorities are different".

He also said that "We need Rs 60,000 crore for that as there was no water in Rayalaseema region despite the heavy rains and floods. We need Rs 16,000 crore for taking Polavaram water to North Andhra and for drinking water grid we need Rs 40,000 crore.

For the Nadu-Nedu programme, we need Rs 29,000 crore for the schools and hospitals put together and since our priorities are so different and aimed at welfare, we have to consider if spending Rs 1.09 lakh crore is necessary for the capital formation" .

An expert committee had been formed to decide the capital area region and the committee submitted its report on Saturday.

However, there is much chaos among the spectrum of political parties and the politicians of all the opposition parties including TDP leaders from Uttarandhra and Rayalaseema are welcoming the idea to have three capitals for Andhra Pradesh.

However, the confusion is not only confined to the Opposition, but even the ruling party also has its share of problems.

But, the MLAs, MPs, and other leaders of Krishna and Guntur districts including ruling and opposition parties are under severe pressure from the people of their constituencies to voice their dissent against the move.

Even, the idea of having three capitals is nascent stage and the move is aimed at diluting the idea of having Amaravati is causing much agony among the political leaders and the people, though it is not good to both the districts.

The opposition party leaders have welcomed AP CM's idea of making Visakhapatnam as the Executive capital to the state.

They stated that Vizag city has the full potential and adequate infrastructure facilitates which are required for making it as Executive capital. They further added that Vizag could be developed into a metro city as it has all the necessary facilities.

Even they opined that for developing a tier - 1 city in the state the better option is only Vizag city and by developing the city would also reduce unemployment in Uttarandhra.

If Vizag is made the Executive Capital it would attract investments from different countries by developing Vizag as metro city and much investment is not needed to develop it as metro city, since the infrastructure required for the development of metro city is meager opined the opposition party leaders.

Amaravati is centrally located. Visakhapatnam is close to 360 km on the north and Kurnool is about 340 km. Vizag is almost 700 km from Kurnool. Vizag is a well-developed city with air, water and road connectivity.

It is not only the headquarters for Eastern Naval Command but also has several public sector undertakings including Steel plant.

Earlier Kurnool was the capital for Andhra Pradesh for three years, when it was separated from erstwhile Madras state in October 1953. People of Kurnool have been demanding for setting up of a High Court here.

The experts opined that "decentralisation is the need of the hour for the development of the State. The Uttarandhra and Rayalaseema regions have suffered a lot in the past due to centralized development.

Only Hyderabad got developed in the undivided State and after bifurcation, the state has realized the scanty development as a result of centralization. Hence, there is a need to adopt a decentralized development model.

Meanwhile, the G.N. Rao-led expert committee formed to look into Andhra Pradesh's development has recommended the state government to have Visakhapatnam as the executive capital and Kurnool (in Rayalaseema region) as the legal capital, where the High Court would be and recommended that flood-prone areas would be avoided and the existing infrastructure would be put to the best use with concern on environment and balanced regional growth".

The committee report has also suggested that the chief minister's office also function from Vishakhapatnam.

Gudipati Rajendera Kumar, Hyderabad

Economy, a major worry

Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is trying to convince us that India has resilience to reverse the current economic slowdown and return to high growth trajectory, IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath is pointing out that the role of regulatory uncertainty is behind India's present economic downturn.

Any reforms being attempted without clarity and certainty on policies and regulations would not spring wonders. The present situation is akin to a perfect storm politically and economically.

What with nation-wide anti-CAA protests culminating in violence claiming lives and what with people sans employment migrating to other states?

Even a single day of 'no work' or a single day of strike, unrest among the people would count a lot on a nation's economy.

With income leading to decline in consumption spiralling to reduction in investment triggering further loss of employment, the economy is trapped in a vicious cycle.

With some kind of uptick projected by economists for third and fourth quarters of fiscal 2019-20 playing hide-and-seek, it is testing times for us.

How we come across the recession-crises and come out successful, is a big question. Is the answer in the near vicinity?

E Sethuramalingam, Kollam

Judiciary needs an overhaul

The imposition of fine of 25 lakhs in the Sengar case is welcome as of which 10 lakhs would be handed over as compensation to the mother of the victim.

In fact, the so-called Human Rights Commission and other interested lawyers show more concern for the accused that the constitutional rights of the rapists must not be denied to him.

It is to be questioned now what constitutional right he has got to rape and murder a lady in the society for whom the constitution has allowed her to live with all rights?

It is true that it is a mistake on the part of the police in Disha case to take the law in their hands, but it sends a signal to the judiciary to the urgency of delivering quick judgement especially in the cases of rape and murder.

There are lakhs of cases pending in different courts some dated back for 25 to 30 years.

The government and judiciary has not made any efforts to clear the cases, except making statements time and again that pending cases to be cleared soon.

A thorough overhaul of judiciary is the need of the hour and increase the confidence of public on judiciary.

TSN Rao, Bhimavaram

Scrap MPLADS scheme

Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament and Planning Commission termed MPLADS useless and corruption-generating.

A TV-sting caught Parliamentarians taking bribe to approve schemes to be funded through MPLADS. The then Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee had echoed likewise to scrap the scheme.

Many MPs and MLAs are over-generous to fund their favourite organisations from this scheme even though such funding may have nothing to do with public welfare.

It may be recalled that trusts floated by the then Chief Election Commissioner Navin Chawla were generously funded by Parliamentarians cutting across party-lines from MPLADS.

Our Parliamentarians and MLAs must have capability to get work done for public-welfare from existing administrative-machinery including wisely using RTI Act rather than needing short-cut by way of corruption-generating scheme.

Already Bihar government has abolished such a scheme in the state. All such suggested reforms should be implemented both at the centre and in states.

Madhu Agarwal, Delhi

A classic case of opportunistic politics

As it is clear that violent protests by university students across the country over CAB and NRC has taken a new dimension after Prime Minister coming out to say that NRC was not part of CAA and therefore both would be implemented even after some states' blunt refusal to implement NRC only goes to show that opposition and BJP are for a headlong collision in the days ahead.

In fact, when opposition enjoying a majority in Rajya Sabha could not come together and halt the CAA bill in the upper house, as a result the bill got passed now raising a hue and cry by petitioning President to reject the bill passed in both the houses and at the same time knocking the doors of the apex court to stop the bill been passed has only set a dangerous precedent.

Again, some of the NDA alliances and other opposition after backing the bill in Rajya Sabha now going back by taking a u-turn saying that they will not implement the NRC in their states have only revealed that they are not only inconsistent but proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are opportunists for the sake of power.

It is more shameful and shocking that Mamata Banerjee going to an extent of asking for UN referendum vote on Citizenship Act issue which is purely an internal matter of the country.

Despite Prime Minister repeatedly sharing with the people about the perspective on the Citizenship Amendment Act and assuring Indian Muslims that there is nothing to fear because the new Act does not affect them at all, it is unfortunate that misinformation campaign launched by opposition by stoking students without understanding the nuances of the amended act in order to reap political mileage has led to the present situation where rioting and vandalism has become the order of the day.

Thus, it seems, the prime minister's clarification and assurances has not assuaged the feelings of Muslims, it is baffling that even the minorities commission chairman's appeal to Muslims did not evoke positive response.

The fact that appeals by the centre to political parties to first study the CAA instead of fishing in troubled waters, it has only given rise to more questions even as protests is gathering momentum with more and more joining the bandwagon.

The state governments in UP and elsewhere appear to meeting the protests with harsh measures leading to death of some protestors while causing grevious injury to a few students.

Now that the strong arm measures adopted by police to quell the mob miserably failed to silence the protestors, adamant attitude of prime minister in not willing to climb down to put an end to the nationwide protests which is getting worse by the day has raised a big question mark on the credibility of the slogan "sab ka saath, sab the vikas and sab ka vishwas".

It is time, Supreme Court steps in and takes up urgent hearing on the petitions filed by different parties and government and gives its verdict on the sustainability and applicability of the amendments in the CAA to put an end to the controversy once and for all in the interest of the nation which has been witnessing angry protests from cross-section of people over discrimination between Muslims and non-Muslims of Indian origin.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Don't subvert democracy

The Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, using his lucid three-point reasoning, has perfectly encapsulated the perilous nature of the contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019.

The tenets of our Constitution cannot and should not be ripped apart by the incumbent government in order to fulfil its Hindutva agenda.

Taking a leaf out of Kerala's book — the State has been a melting pot of diverse religions from an early era — the Central government can perhaps learn a lesson or two from the 'Kerala Model' of religious syncretism.

That said, it is high time all concerned in this nation stand up to oppose this subversion of our democracy.

Syed Ahmed Ali, Hyderabad

Cong's minority appeasement

It is proved beyond doubt that the Congress is no longer a national party and nationalistic in thinking. The way the congress leaders Mrs.Sonia,Rahul Gandhi and priyanaka spoke against the dilution of several bills being duly approved in Parliament by Modi government exposed its incorrigible stunted thinking nature .when the entire nation was welcoming the progressive bills.

The recent bill passed in parliament CAA is projected as the anti- Muslims by the fake Gandhis and other irrelevant opposition parties especially by Mamata Banerjee spread poison in the minds of innocent minority groups that flared up riots lead to the destruction of public and private properties in several sensitive states, for the grave sin committed by congress and the irresponsible statement given by its scion Mr.Rahul that "Rape in India" in the place of Make in India ,they don't deserve any forgiveness from country and their sin cannot be atoned. The minority appeasement is once again exposed thread bare by Congress and other parties.

The Congress by opposing the bill, the last chance to prove itself as nationalist party was lost and it is heading towards oblivion.

The time is now ripe for the young leaders in the party like Pilot,Scindia,Deora,M.Wasnik etcetera to revolt against the present form of congress and they can declare their own party with the same title Congress dumping fake Gandhis.

Rahul is a proven coward and irresponsible person and the old and sick Sonia can no longer fit to handle the gargantuan problems being faced by Congress ,it is better for the young leaders to dump the rotten, worn out and proven motor mouth senile leaders like Ayyars, Chidambarams, Digvijai Singhs, Ghulam Azads etc and let them run their own leftover old age home congress rejected by the voters of India.

Perform or perish is the challenge left before the youngsters of the congress.

Rama Krishna M, Kakinada

No reason to panic

Citizenship Amendment Act is not about citizens of India , its about those who migrated to India before 31 December 2014 from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan as minorities in these countries.

The protesters in Delhi, U.P, Gujarat, Mumbai, Bihar etc. were so violent that they have destroyed lots of public property why they have been doing and on what reason when asked by any media person they don't know.

For eg. Why are you protesting against CAB, they will say it's against Muslims, Govt will sent them outside the country, then the reporter will ask do you know what is CAB then they will say They don't know.

CAA is not against any particular religion the protesters must understand this truth before they destroy any public property.

Why is India's minority feeling so scared from current govt. on what basis on what reason is completely out of box matter. The world is making big strides in field of technology, Innovation or health and here in India we are still fighting among each other why on what motive.

Some anti-social elements are also got into this which has made situation so dangerous that there is no way out.

Protesters must understand what is CAA 2019 before they raise their voice no one will send them outside the nation.

Burning Buses, burning media vans, burning police stations are not our culture we must adopt peace and peace only.

The government must spread awareness on CAA to all for those who are confused. A loyal citizen need not to be worried from this CAA 2019.

Sharadchandran S, New Delhi

Bapu, we have failed you again!

Heart breaking it is to see all this bloody violence, arson, clashes and conflicts in the name of CAA bill . Violence is not going to yield any good result.

Our heads have to hang in shame as this is happening in a land where the greatest of preachers of peace and nonviolence was born.

The great scientist Albert Einstein once said about Mahatma Gandhi "Generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth".

In a land where the greatest of apostle of peace was born it seems his people have completely forgotten that.Gandhiji's principles and ideals paved way for a nation and it's people to unharness themselves from a powerful empire.

And to get freedom ,the Mahatma didn't instigate his people to follow the path of violence and crooked ways but plain nonviolence,truth and tolerance.

There is a lot of difference between the generation the great Mahatma led and that of today's. Even though most of the people of that era were poor, uneducated and unemployed they didn't resort to unwanted arson, clashes and conflicts and the credit for that goes to the leaders who were committed to the cause, dedicated to their motherland, transparent to the core and duty bound to see that they worked along with the followers teaching them the right way to attain whatever the aim be.

Today we have the so called " leaders "seated in their air-conditioned suites watching arsons and clashes live and remote controlling the activities done by their well-fed mobs.

They are neither seen along with the followers nor do they in reality feel the heat of the conflicts.

And really amusing it is the way in which these leaders yield themselves to get arrested -with so much of multimedia fanfare and so!

The language used, the scribbling on the placards and the photo-ops all expose their gimmicks which is -just to be in the limelight and nothing else.

We the citizens of a beautiful nation rich in its culture and heritage must truly introspect ourselves, analyse the matters deeply and choose the right way.

Let us also not forget the Mahatma's thought provoking words-Be the change you wish to see in the world.

M Pradyu, Kannur



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