Stop over pricing in theatres: Akun Sabharwal

Update: 2018-07-30 00:40 IST

Hyderabad: From August 1st onwards Cinema Halls, Multiplexes should sell water bottles, cool drinks and other food items as per MRP only. Selling more than MRP, violation of Legal Metrology Department will result in facing heavy penalty and also imprisonment, said Controller for Legal Metrology Department Akun Sabharwal.

Food items or drinks sold loose in containers should have stickers with rate and measure compulsory.


For past few days Legal Metrology Department received several complaints on Cinema Halls and Multiplexes of selling food items and beverages more than MRP. Legal Metrology Department decided to take strict actions on Cinema Halls to control sale of food items at higher prices. Special orders are issued to make transactions on specified rates only.

Theatre owners have already been given awareness on the new rules. In review meeting Controller ordered officials to check that new rules and guidelines are been followed regularly from August 1st onwards.

The Controller conducted a review meeting with all District Assistant Controllers and Inspectors on Sunday at Legal Metrology office on MRP violation and implementation of new guidelines to be followed from 1st August in all Cinema Theatres and Multiplexes.

Briefing media persons, Sabharwal said that every business or service or entertainment intended for consumers should be legal and authorized. If any consumer faces loss Theatre owners will be held responsible and serious action would be taken. From August 1st onwards Cinema Theatres and Multiplexes should compulsory sell food items, water bottles and cool drinks at MRP only. Food items sold loose in containers must be printed with weight, quantity, manufacturing date, expiry and MRP on them. Till September 1st stickers can be used.

Board with details of weight, quantity and rate should be displayed, clearly visible to all. Any change in weight, quantity or rate should be immediately changed. Multiple brand products should be kept for sale.

According to Legal Metrology Department act manufacturers should print product name, address, manufacturing date, expiry date, weight and MRP with customer care number on the packaged item.

On August 2nd and 3rd special raids will conducted on Theatres and Multiplexes in Greater Hyderabad and HMDA zone to check the implementation of Legal Metrology rules and on 4th and 5th state wide checks will be made. Single rate policy should be implemented. Rate should be same in theatres also as are in open market.

First violation will result in booking of case and Rs. 25,000 penalty, 2nd time Rs. 50,000 and if it is repeated 3rd time Rs. 1 lakh penalty and also imprisonment range from 6 months to one year will be charged.

Cinema theatres should display Toll Free Number 180042500333, Whats App Number 7330774444, for Consumer complaints. 



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