‘Love Me: If You Dare’ review: A new-age romantic thriller

“Love Me: If You Dare” is a movie which created huge buzz from the date of its announcement. Starring Ashish Reddy and Vaishnavi Chaitanya, directed by Arun Bhimavarapu; the film’s promotional content entertained audience. Now, as the film hits theatres, let’s see how it fares at box-office.


"Love Me" follows the journey of Arjun, a YouTuber intrigued by unsolved mysteries. He stumbles upon the tale of Divyavathi, a ghost whose story intrigues him. As he delves deeper into her mysterious past, he finds himself drawn to her romantically. With the help of Prathap and Priya, Arjun embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind Divyavathi's existence.


Ashish delivers a commendable performance, showcasing improved maturity and charm in his portrayal of Arjun. However, Vaishnavi Chaitanya's character lacks depth, limiting her ability to shine on screen. Ravi Krishna's portrayal is adequate, albeit not particularly memorable.


Visually, "Love Me" is a treat, thanks to the stunning cinematography by P.C. Sreeram and impressive art direction. Keeravani's background score enhances the mood of the film, although the songs are only average. However, the editing falls short, contributing to the confusion in the second half. Director Arun Bhimavarapu fails to effectively translate the film's ambitious concepts onto the screen, resulting in a disjointed viewing experience. The production quality of the film looks good.


While "Love Me" presents intriguing ideas, its execution leaves much to be desired. The first half captivates with its premise, but the narrative loses steam as it progresses. The second half, particularly, suffers from convoluted storytelling and an overload of information. Despite its potential, "Love Me" falls short of expectations. While Ashish delivers a solid performance and the first half holds promise, the film ultimately falters due to its confusing narrative and lack of emotional depth in the latter part. While it may appeal to fans of the genre, others may find it difficult to connect with. Overall, "Love Me" is a watchable movie with some reservations.

Review by: SUHAS SISTU