Copies of National Register of Citizens, Citizenship Amendment Bill set on fire

Copies of National Register of Citizens, Citizenship Amendment Bill set on fire

Activists of MSO and TMHPS on Thursday staged protests at Arts College against the recently adopted NRC ( National Register of Citizens) and CAB (Citizenship (Amendment) Bill).

Osmania University: Activists of MSO and TMHPS on Thursday staged protests at Arts College against the recently adopted NRC ( National Register of Citizens) and CAB (Citizenship (Amendment) Bill). They formed a human chain and burnt copies of the Acts.

Addressing the protestors, TMHPS honorary president Salim Pasha and MSO State president Sayeed Ahmed charged the Centre with conspiring to "deprive Muslim minorities of their rights and reduce them to second-class citizens," while expressing anxiety over its moves in this direction. They contended that the two laws were against the Constitution and violated Article 14 which enunciates equal rights to people.

The protesters demanded that the Centre to drop the NRC and CAB law enactments. Among the participants in the protest programme were BVM OU president Saif, students Yakub, Mohammad Iliaz and Fayaz.

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