Government releases Rupees 4.80 crore for Iftar on June 18

Government releases Rupees 4.80 crore for Iftar on June 18

To mark the occasion of holy Ramzan, the State government has made elaborate arrangements to conduct Iftar party at L B Stadium on June 18. The government has released Rs 4.80 crore for conducting Iftar party in the twin cities and each mosque will get Rs 1 lakh for the purpose.

Hyderabad: To mark the occasion of holy Ramzan, the State government has made elaborate arrangements to conduct Iftar party at L B Stadium on June 18. The government has released Rs 4.80 crore for conducting Iftar party in the twin cities and each mosque will get Rs 1 lakh for the purpose.

This was stated by Minister for Animal Husbandry and Cinematography Talasani Srinivas Yadav after a meeting with Masjid Committee president, secretary and officials concerned. He held discussions with them on the arrangements for Ramzan festival and Iftar party being hosted by the State government.

The Minister said the government aimed to celebrate Ramzan with enthusiasm and brotherhood that reflect communal amity. Yadav said they had released Rs 4.80 crore for 432 mosques to conduct Iftar parties. Each mosque would get 500 gift packs worth Rs 2.16 on June 16, he said.

The government wanted the Muslim brethren to celebrate the festival in a pleasant and grand manner, he said. “We have taken up several development programmes for the holy festival, he said. Wakf Board CEO Mannan, Executive Officer Munavar and others were present.

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