Government may soon allow courier, parcel services

Government may soon allow courier, parcel services
Government may soon allow parcel services

New Delhi: In a relief to businesses, the government may soon allow operations of courier and parcel services in the country so that companies are...

New Delhi: In a relief to businesses, the government may soon allow operations of courier and parcel services in the country so that companies are able to send and receive documents at a time when the country is under coronavirus lockdown, sources said.

They said there must be a huge pile up of business related documents and other things which need to be shipped to different parts of the country.

"A decision on operations of courier and parcels will be taken soon. Document exchange is important for industry. An empowered group has already recommended for the same to the Home Ministry," sources said. Further, the commerce ministry has recommended to the home ministry to allow operations of factories engaged in export activities with minimum workforce.

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