Attacks on churches

Attacks on churches

The Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), attended by 140 Bishops, which was held in Bangalore recently, had a strong message for the Modi government over the recent attacks on churches in Delhi and other parts of the country.

Bishops flay Modi govt

Hyderabad: The Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), attended by 140 Bishops, which was held in Bangalore recently, had a strong message for the Modi government over the recent attacks on churches in Delhi and other parts of the country.

The Bishops conference regretted that hardly a day has passed off in recent months without reports of attacks on Christians, Churches and Christian institutions from across the nation. “Churches have been torched even in the national capital while reports of ‘Ghar Wapsi’ and blatant threats to hold mass re-conversions are causing anxiety to the Christians scattered in the far corners of the nation,” the statement said.

“We express deep anguish and concern over increasing threats to peace and communal harmony in the wake of various untoward incidents affecting the Christian community in different parts of the country,” said CCBI President Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Vice-President Filipe Neri Ferrao and Secretary General Varghese Chakkalakal in a statement released to the media.

Conference of the Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) has also appealed the Centre to enforce the rule of law and curb the belligerence of the outfits defiling peace and communal harmony in the nation. “Amid canards being spread and open threats against religious minorities by belligerent groups and their leaders, even elected representatives of people have made shocking statements brazenly challenging the freedom of conscience guaranteed by the Constitution of India under Article 25. (1),” said the Christian clergy slamming the controversial statements by elected representatives.

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