Shruti is now  a spoilt brat 

Shruti is now  a spoilt brat 

For Shruti Sodhi, 2016 has been a year of decisions. And, fortunately for the pretty actress, most of the decisions are paying off.

For Shruti Sodhi, 2016 has been a year of decisions. And, fortunately for the pretty actress, most of the decisions are paying off. With her recent Punjabi release ‘Vaisakhi List’ and special number in the Telugu film ‘Supreme’ getting praises, the actress has signed another film opposite Naveen Chandra under E Satti Babu’s direction.

Talking about the role, Shruti says, “It’s the first time I’m playing a girl ‘lot of attitude’ and the daughter of a billionaire. It’s an intense role and my character has different shades. I wear a mix of Indian and western outfits. Also, I wanted to do a variety of roles including glamorous and this project offers me that,” she reveals.

The year has been a learning curve for the Punjabi actress. "I've worked with very young and experienced filmmakers and so, have learnt a lot from them," she says, "And, my films have done well at the box-office and that's really satisfying,” Shruti states, oozing confidence.

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