Andhra Pradesh: Justice Kanagaraj to head Police Complaints Authority

Justice Kanagaraj to head Police Complaints Authority

Justice Kanagaraj to head Police Complaints Authority


Former Judge of Madras High Court Justice Kanagaraj has been appointed chairman of the AP State Police Complaints Authority on Sunday

Amaravati: Former Judge of Madras High Court Justice Kanagaraj has been appointed chairman of the AP State Police Complaints Authority on Sunday.

It may be recalled that Justice Kanagaraj was appointed as the State Election Commissioner (SEC) replacing the then SEC Nimmagadda Ramesh Kumar. However, the Andhra Pradesh High Court reversed and allowed Ramesh Kumar to continue in the post till he retired.

According to the Andhra Pradesh State-level Police Complaints Authority (Administration and Procedures) Rules, 2020, only those persons below the age of 65 years are eligible for appointment as the authority chairman. However, Justice Kanagaraj is at least 20 years past that age. Hence, the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy administration relaxed the rules to enable his appointment.

Home Department's Principal Secretary Kumar Viswajeet issued an order on the appointment of the retired judge. Three other members of the Authority would be appointed later, the order said.

The Authority will look into complaints against the officers of the rank of additional superintendent of police and above. It shall take cognizance of allegations of serious misconduct by the police personnel, which would include incidents involving death, grievous hurt, or rape in police custody.

The Authority has been set up in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment in a civil petition of 2006.

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