Girl Scout Day

Girl Scout Day

Girl Scout Day


Girl Scouts came into existence in 1912, when a woman named Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first-ever Girl Scout meeting in Savannah, Georgia, with just 18 girls from the surrounding area

Girl Scouts came into existence in 1912, when a woman named Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first-ever Girl Scout meeting in Savannah, Georgia, with just 18 girls from the surrounding area. Low had spent considerable time thinking about what could be done to help young women get outdoors and become more independent, self-reliant and resourceful so they could become better citizens in the future.

From the very beginning, the Girl Scouts have been an organization run by women, for women, and over a hundred years after its creation, it has grown to 3.7 million members worldwide. It has been estimated that, since its inception, 50 million girls and women have been a member of the organization. Membership is organized by age, and there are different activities available at each level, all suited to the individual needs of each age group.

The Girl Scouts is an organization for American girls and American girls living abroad, traditionally ages 5 to 18. Girl Scouts typically meet in groups called a troop, with the troops being run by volunteers, who are often parents of troop members. This makes the Girl Scouts a very close-knit organization. National Girl Scout Day is celebrated on the date that Low organized the first Girl Scout meeting, on March 12th.

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