MyVoice: Views of our readers 29th May 2021

MyVoice: Views of our readers 29th May 2021

MyVoice: Views of our readers 29th May 2021


Baba has gone a little too far Ramdev Baba's disparaging remarks against allopathy and insensitive comments like "even their Baap cannot arrest me...

Baba has gone a little too far

Ramdev Baba's disparaging remarks against allopathy and insensitive comments like "even their Baap cannot arrest me " are full of arrogance. Ramdev Baba mocked the people who died with lack of oxygen, he mocked the patients trying to get the oxygen cylinders.

His remarks are insensitive, irresponsible in the middle of this pandemic. His comments are insulting to the doctors and Covid patients who died due to lack of oxygen and also to their families.

Ramdev's remarks demoralised medical practitioners and the role of medicines and vaccines . His comments have not only hurt Doctors but also people everywhere. Doctors and other health care professionals are tirelessly battling the virus at the frontline and this insensitive Baba's remark are insult to them.

We are proud of our health workers and medical research team, working day in and day out to save our lives . Every system of medicine has its own limitations, instead of debating and fighting which is great Ayurveda or Allopathy ,both should come forward and help the patients dying because of this deadly virus.

Government should take strict action against this Ramdev Baba for alleged misinformation campaign on vaccination and challenging government protocols for treatment of Covid 19.

Zakir Hussain, Kazipet


When allopathic system of medicine is widely accepted in the world, Baba Ramdev calling it as defunct and attributing allopathy is the root cause for the failure of Indian health care system is ridiculous. In fact, he is not qualified himself in any of medical systems or has any right to pass judgement in the first place undermining allopathy outright.

Yoga Guru must first understand that none of the systems of medicine including allopathy and AYUSH in vogue are neither superior nor inferior to one another. In fact, they have never been competing with each other at any time and each has been treating patients following the practice and procedures scripted in the respective medical system.

Therefore, his brazen remarks questioning the allopathic system of using drugs to find out symptoms and diseases and then treating them making it very costly beyond the reach of the common man is reprehensible.

Further, poking fun at treatment of Covid cases at a time when the whole world is convinced that allopathy only offers the cure is atrocious and unpardonable. Even today, most people turn to allopathy for cure through drugs, radiation and surgery despite switching over to alternative medical systems.

Over all, Ramdev's incongruous remarks degrading allopathy medical system and doctors is condemnable in strongest terms. After letting hell loose and damaging the reputation of a medical system judiciously followed by millions around the world for cure to any disease or ailment, Ramdev should not be allowed to go scot-free under any circumstances.

K R Srinivasan, Secunderabad

Why this controversy?

I have listened to the oratory of eminent scholars like Diwakarla Venkatavadhani (who is no more), nanogenerian Malladi Chandrasekhara Sastry and now Chaganti Koteswararao, Garikipati Narasimharao, Samavedam Shanmukha Sarma and other authorities on our ancient epics who stated only the birthplaces of Rama in Ayodhya and Sita in Janakpuri (Nepal) but none touched the issue in respect of Hanuman.

How today suddenly this point was discovered which has turned into a controversial subject. Ramayana took place in Tretayuga lakhs of years ago. Anjanadri the mother's name of Hanuman is a hill in Tirumala Now Karnataka-based seers are arguing that his birthplace is located in their state.

Courts also cannot decide as the evidences are not sufficient and valid since this case is lakhs of years old. How does it matter where he was born? Better stop squeezing this conflicting and unresolvable issue further.

Dr NSR Murthy, Secunderabad

Extend lockdown relaxation

We understand that the lockdown will be extended by one or two weeks. The relaxation period of 06:00 Hours to 10:00 Hours may be revised 07:00 Hours to 13:00 Hours in order to avoid crowding at the shops and to prevent covid-19.

The increase in the relaxation period in the lock down (07:00 Hours to 13:00 Hours) will definitely reduce crowds. As such Covid-19 cases will naturally come down.

Sambasiva Rao Choda, Hyderabad

Good move by TS govt

The Telangana government cracking whip on 60-odd hospitals in different parts of the state for charging exorbitant fees for treating patients with Covid-19, is a brave and commendable move; and a clear message to other erring hospitals - though the names of the hospitals have not been made public. The area wise distribution of such hospitals throughout the state will however give an inkling of such errant hospitals, about which the public is aware of.

Public awareness is the main mantra in this regard to help unravel the 'greed' by such hospitals that have been in the business for well over 16 or more months as the afflicted individuals are putting up with the whims of these hospitals for so long; despite complaints being aired in this regard, every now and then.

K R Parvathy, Mysuru

China's role dubious

There is no smoke without fire. As China's demeanour and standpoint on the novel coronavirus have been sceptical since its outbreak, a high level probe was a global imperative to know from where and how the deadly virus originated.

The circumstantial evidences claiming the outbreak as a laboratory accident elicited by the US intelligence agencies in the recent days have raised the eyebrows.

Also, one should not forget that the World Health Organization had expressed disappointment over China for not finalising the permissions initially for the arrival of the team that was to investigate the origin of the virus in early January this year.

If the theories surfacing are spurious as China claims, why is it not lending a helping hand to the agencies and organisations for the probe? After all, it has faced the brunt of the pandemic too.

Tushar Anand, Patna

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