BGS Gleneagles becomes one of the first hospitals to introduce Integrative Medicine and Research Department

BGS Gleneagles becomes one of the first hospitals to introduce Integrative Medicine and Research Department

BGS Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru, announce the launch of its Integrative Medicine and Research Department.

Bengaluru: BGS Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru, announce the launch of its Integrative Medicine and Research Department. This department signifies a notable achievement in our dedication to patient-centered healthcare, with a primary focus on enhancing patient well-being and overall quality of life.

Integrative medicine adopts an approach that harmoniously blends traditional medical interventions with complementary therapies, including Naturopathy, Yoga, Reiki, Acupuncture, Psychotherapy, Medical Nutrition and more, aiming to achieve the highest level of health and holistic healing.

The PhD, HoD and Consultant in Integrative Medicine and Research at BGS Gleneagles Hospital Kengeri, Dr Crystal D'Souza said, “Integrative medicine adopts an evidence-based strategy to address the whole individual, encompassing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. By integrating conventional and complementary therapies, it optimizes health and fosters healing.”

Speaking at the occasion, Cluster COO Gleneagles Hospitals, Biju Nair said, “We are thrilled to be at the forefront of this global movement. While globally recognized institutions have already adopted Integrative Medicine to emphasize its importance, our department further solidifies our commitment to providing a comprehensive healthcare experience that caters to each patient's unique needs.”

Guest of Honour, VC SITK, Prof Rajeev Gowda opined, “This is a tremendous innovation which will change the life of patients and make patient care so much more impactful and ensure holistic healing drawing on best of our tradition and the best of allopathy.”

Chief Guest, Dr Manjunath Sharma NK, Pro VC and Director of Research S-Vyasa University stated, “Swasthasya Swasthay Rakshanam, explains the importance of maintenance and promotion of health in healthy, along with treating a sickness. Integrative medicine and research department at BGS Gleneagles Hospital redefines this and I am glad to see IHH India, such a huge group take the lead in this direction.”

Speaking at the occasion, Special Guest, senior cine actress from Sandalwood, Sudha Belawadi said, “Integrative medicine is the need of the hour. In the garb of entertainment, what we get to see is a lot of violence in our films and our news channels. Subliminally, this creates disturbance in the way we think and that can lead to stress. Peer group pressure has catapulted because of social media which again leads to stress. Consequently, diseases like cancer and autoimmune conditions are on the ascent, largely attributed to this stress. The demand for a department that prioritizes a comprehensive approach to healing, delving deep into the well-being of individuals, is more pressing than ever.”

During the event, our experts, Sumalatha, a renowned Psychologist and Author; Karthigai Selvi, Chief Nutritionist; and Dr Rakshita, Yoga Physician discussed the pivotal role of often underestimated complementary approaches to healing such as Reiki, Nutrition, Yoga and Naturopathy in driving the holistic healing of our patients in the long run.

The Integrative Medicine and Research Department at BGS Gleneagles Hospitals, Bengaluru is set to be a game-changer in healthcare, enhancing the lives of patients and helping them achieve a higher quality of life throughout their treatment journey.

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