Randheer Rai essaying a dark role in Jiji Maa

Randheer Rai essaying a dark role in Jiji Maa

Actor Randheer Rai will play the negative lead role as a business tycoon in the show Jiji MaaMy characters name is Abhishek Sanghvi He is a young business tycoon and a confident, classy and goodlooking guy, Randheer said in a statement

Actor Randheer Rai will play the negative lead role as a business tycoon in the show ‘Jiji Maa’. "My character's name is Abhishek Sanghvi. He is a young business tycoon and a confident, classy and good-looking guy," Randheer said in a statement. "The show is taking a leap. I will be introduced as a business competitor to Suyash Rawat (essayed by actor Dishank Arora). I am playing the negative lead," he added.

Randheer has featured in Bollywood movies like ‘Holiday: A Soldier is Never Off Duty’ and ‘Poster Boys’. ‘Jiji Maa’ is his second show. Talking about his first show ‘Karn Sangini’, he said: "I signed 'Karn Sangini' thinking that the role was really important. But now I feel that there is nothing much for me to act in it. "Even the character has become like a cameo. We all know how important Yudhishthira was in the epic story 'Mahabharata'. However, I understand the show is based on Karna's love life," he added.

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