Etiquette, Netiquette

Etiquette, Netiquette

One has to know not only the etiquettes but also the netiquettes. “The terms Etiquette and codes of behavior are sometimes considered old-fashioned, outdated concepts. 

One has to know not only the etiquettes but also the netiquettes. “The terms Etiquette and codes of behavior are sometimes considered old-fashioned, outdated concepts.

However, the new terms social skills or soft skills and cultural intelligence are universally accepted and considered essential concepts in the workplace and throughout all aspects of society.

Whichever terms are used, they all translate to the same meaning — good manners, and good manners are always in fashion.”

Etiquette, pronounced as etiket or etikƏt, is a formal rule of right conduct or decent and polite behvaour. Etiquettes could vary from society to society and country to country. However there are many that are universal.

Indian etiquettes are unique they are mix of Asian and Western (influenced by British colonial rule) such as eating with right hand, washing hands before and after the meal, giving something as a token of regard or goodwill when invited for a dinner or function; taking off one’s footwear when entering into houses, respecting elders, giving water when someone visits your home, respecting religious symbols and emblems…

Time keeping or punctuality is not common in India but for many people across the world it is a basic etiquette.

There are etiquettes among all the professions: and one should be aware of them to maintain standards and decency in the society.

Etiquette is a singular and plural form is etiquettes like netiquette and etiquette.

What are the universal etiquettes?

Netiquette (pronounced as netiket) is an informal word implying to the rules of correct behaviour, acceptable behvaviour, and polite behaviour (like etiquettes) but while using the Internet or when online. However, many people follow netiquette (though unwritten) but some abuse display utter disregard for netiquettes and few using abusive language especially in the comments section of an article often in an anonymous mode.

Foul words or abusive words are avoided on professional websites like LinkedIn and also but on other social media websites.

Netiquettes are: Not to use abusive words in electronic or digital communications including social media websites (what you write today could be read by your spouse or child tomorrow), not to spam, writing clearly and succinctly, not to ask questions for which answers could be found online unless you make an attempt and fail to get the answer,

not to post copyrighted material, respecting the terms and conditions of a website, participating in a discussion group only after reading the previous posts or messages, respecting other netizens’ privacy, forgiving other people’s mistakes, …
If you lack etiquettes and netiquettes, taking coaching in them will immensely help you in many ways.

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