IT sleuths raid 3 educational institutes in Nalgonda

IT sleuths raid 3 educational institutes in Nalgonda

Income Tax officials conducted simultaneous raids on three educational institutes in Nalgonda town on the allegations of tax evasion for the last four years. 

Nalgonda: Income Tax officials conducted simultaneous raids on three educational institutes in Nalgonda town on the allegations of tax evasion for the last four years.

According to the sources, on Friday, the I-T officials from Hyderabad raided Pragathi Junior College, located on Hyderabad road, SPR School at Nethaji Nagar in Ramagiri and Pope Paul Junior College near SLBC in Nalgonda town. The I-T sleuths started raids at about 1 pm and continued till late night.

It came to light that during the raids, the officials collected the required records from the respective educational institutes’ managements for future course of action.

When media tried to contact, the I-T officials were tight lipped and refused to disclose the details of the raids.

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