Signs that show your partner has commitment phobia!

Signs that show your partner has commitment phobia!

Be it marital or relationship commitment – making it official is not in the minds of every man as it means making oneself vulnerable. But these thoughts are not necessarily portrayed in front of the woman they are in love with as it might push a further wedge in the relationship.

Be it marital or relationship commitment – making it official is not in the minds of every man as it means making oneself vulnerable. But these thoughts are not necessarily portrayed in front of the woman they are in love with as it might push a further wedge in the relationship.

However, if women look into their men closely, they can identify the signs and actually be prepared of what’s coming ahead!

Vague Future:

When your partner doesn’t seem too interested in making plans for the future, it’s a big RED FLAG you shouldn’t ignore. People with commitment phobia live with doubts making it hard to discuss about the future and would not like to give an informal commitment even through a conversation.

Lack of communication:

Even with a long-term relationship, if you feel like your partner is holding onto feelings, it might be due to commitment issues. A commitment phobic will conceal feelings until they explode in turn making their emotional reactions look very extreme.

Career Confusion:

Even with a great job and status, many never are truly satisfied with their careers – while it is common when one complains that they didn’t know what they want to be.

But if that complaint prolongs throughout his life right into the age of 30’s then the signs show that no matter what kind of position a commitment phobic is, doubts still run over suggesting whether the position is the right fit even though others might be over enthusiastic over the same position.


A commitment phobic can have addiction in any form – work, alcohol or sex as they tend to things in extreme which might actually make the partner become lonely in the relationship.

Lack of Quality Time:

If your partner hardly spends time with you or has less interaction in the time spent, it just shows that they can’t connect.


Sex for a commitment phobic comes forward as an expression of commitment as emotions, feelings get involved making it harder to resist the connection which is why sex is hardly initiated or mostly avoided.

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