12 special trains to run between Secunderabad, Guwahati

12 special trains to run between Secunderabad, Guwahati

Twelve special trains will be run between Secunderabad and Guwahati in April and May months to meet the increasing demand for trains in this route. Train No 07149 Secunderabad-Guwahati special train will be operated from April 22 to May 21. This train will depart from Secunderabad on every Friday in the mentioned period and will arrive at Guwahati at 8.45 am on Sunday. The train is schedule to be

Hyderabad: Twelve special trains will be run between Secunderabad and Guwahati in April and May months to meet the increasing demand for trains in this route. Train No 07149 Secunderabad-Guwahati special train will be operated from April 22 to May 21. This train will depart from Secunderabad on every Friday in the mentioned period and will arrive at Guwahati at 8.45 am on Sunday. The train is schedule to be operated on April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 20 and 27.

In the return direction, Train No 07150 Guwahati -Secunderabad special train will depart from Guwahati at 6.15 am on April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 (Mondays), and will arrive at Secunderabad at 9.15 am on Wednesdays.Enroute, these trains will stop at New Bongaigaon,

New Jalpaiguri, Kishanganj, Malda Town, Rampurhat, Howrah, Kharagpur, Bhubaneswar, Khurda Road, Vizianagaram, Vijayawada, Chennai Central and Katpadi stations.These trains will have 17 coaches viz, two AC II Tier, four AC III Tier, nine sleeper class and two second class luggage cum brake van coaches.

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