Hyderabad:: G Kishan Reddy asked to KCR to Strictly stick to ICMR norms to contain Covid

Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy
Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy

The Union Minister expresses concern over more positive cases being reported from the twin cities and particularly in Secunderabad parliamentary constituency areas

Hyderabad: Expressing concern over the growing number of corona positive cases in the State capital in particular and Telangana in general, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, G Kishan Reddy asked the intervention of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao.

In a letter written to KCR on Tuesday, the Union Minister asked the State to meticulously follow the guidelines issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to contain Covid, which at this point is rampant in the State.

The Union Minister expressed concern over more positive cases being reported from the twin cities and particularly in his parliamentary constituency areas. Citing scores of citizens from Hyderabad calling him regularly and expressing anxiousness over the spike in the positive cases for the last ten days, he said and added "it is the responsibility of both the State and the Centre to control the situation as expeditiously as possible to inculcate confidence among people.

The Secunderabad BJP MP appealed to the Chief Minister's intervention to follow the advisory issued by the Union Health Ministry, after a review meeting with 10 States where corona is spreading fast. He underlined the need to identify the vulnerable sections like children and the elderly by way of conducting proactive tests and extend medical help. He stressed the need to conduct tests on a larger scale, ensure reports come faster to identify the positive cases at an early stage.

The union minister also requested KCR to strengthen medical infrastructure in all hospitals, deploy the senior doctors and experts in the field to get necessary medical advice, conduct house to house survey to identify those who are likely to be affected. He suggested that these measures be taken especially in containment zones. Besides, the need to reinforce the confidence of corona warriors who have been fighting from the forefront, by way of taking proactive steps for their protection.

Kishan Reddy urged the chief minister to give categorical instructions to ensure that all the people follow social distance norms and conduct themselves to maintain the spirit of lockdown.

Assuring all possible help from the centre, he said measures need to be taken to minimise the impact of Covid at the earliest. Also, "it is important, to create confidence in the minds of people that the governments are alert in every respect and are acting as swiftly as possible," he added.

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