Committee constituted for merger of APSRTC into State Government

Committee constituted for merger of APSRTC into State Government

The AP Transport Roads and Buildings department has constituted a six-member Committee with bureaucrats from various departments to examine and suggest the modalities for merger of APSRTC establishment with the AP government, on Friday.

Amaravati: The AP Transport Roads and Buildings department has constituted a six-member Committee with bureaucrats from various departments to examine and suggest the modalities for merger of APSRTC establishment with the AP government, on Friday.

Principal Secretary, TR&B Department is being appointed as Chairman to the Committee. The other members of the Committee including Principal Finance Secretary to Government (PFS), Finance Department, Secretary to Government (Services), General Administration Department, Secretary to Government, Public Enterprises Department, Secretary to Government, Law Department and Executive Director (Admn.), APSRTC as member convener.

MT Krishna Babu, Principal Secretary, TR&B Department has released the G.O.MS.No. 41, suggesting the Terms of References to the Committee. The Committee asked to complete the process and to submit their report to Government by November 30, 2019.

The Committee asked to evolve a methodology for creation of Public Transport Department (PTD) in Government of AP to facilitate merger of establishment of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) employees into government of AP.

The other terms of references including;

Matching the existing cadres of all employees (including contract) of APSRTC into equivalent cadres and pay scales of state Government employees. Procedure for taking over the establishment of APSRTC employees by APCFMS to make payment of wages every month through Government.

Methodology to utilize the employees of PTD in APSRTC including deputation to other departments, corporations, undertakings of Government.

Need to revise/continue the existing Rules, Regulations, Service conditions etc., applicable to the employees after merger of APSRTC Establishment with Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Need to revise the existing Classification, Control and Appeal (CCA) and Conduct Regulations applicable to the employees, to the extent required, since APSRTC was formed under RTC Act, 1950 and will continue to function in the existing form following its established business rules/procedures, even after the merger of its establishment with Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Need to revise existing Pension policy, benefits on retirement on superannuation/voluntary and on other grounds, Schemes & Trusts, Cooperative Credit Society, medical facilities, welfare schemes etc., related to in-service employees to the extent required, after merger of APSRTC establishment with Government.

Need to revise the existing pension policy, medical facilities and other welfare schemes provided by APSRTC to the retired employees.

Restructuring APSRTC Board with the revised list of members and approval of the Board to merge Establishment of APSRTC with Government.

Any other legal, financial and administrative implications, issues emerging out of merger of establishment of APSRTC with Government.

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