Reconstructive plastic surgery an essential part of trauma care: Docs

Reconstructive plastic surgery an essential part of trauma care: Docs

Reconstructive plastic surgery an essential part of trauma care: Docs


To mark World Plastic Surgery Day, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital hosted an event to emphasize the important role reconstructive plastic surgery plays in the overall treatment and care of patients who have undergone physical trauma such as road traffic accidents, workplace injuries caused by machinery equipment, assault injuries caused by humans or animals, sports injuries, or other high-pressure injuries.

Bengaluru: To mark World Plastic Surgery Day, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital hosted an event to emphasize the important role reconstructive plastic surgery plays in the overall treatment and care of patients who have undergone physical trauma such as road traffic accidents, workplace injuries caused by machinery equipment, assault injuries caused by humans or animals, sports injuries, or other high-pressure injuries. They also help cancer patients get back to a normal life post-surgery, be it breast reconstruction post a mastectomy or reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancers.

The spectrum of plastic surgery trauma management ranges from primary closure to reconstruction, or replacement of complex physical defects of form and function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio-maxillofacial structures, extremities, breast, trunk and external genitalia.

The Consultant - Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital, Dr Naveen Kumar H R said, "Advances in microsurgery have helped to expand the reconstruction territory for the treatment of trauma and cancer patients. With the help of high-end scope advanced microscope, it is now possible to take tissues like skin, bone, and muscle from one part of the body and transfer it to another part of the body where it is necessary. For example, it helps in reconstruction of tongue, nose, face, breasts, etc for cancer patients. Replantation or reattachment of the cut fingers, hands, feet, etc, is also possible by doing microsurgery in accident cases."

He further throws light on the Golden Hour period for accident and trauma cases, "Any severe part or limb should be reattached such that it regains blood flow within 6 hours from time of injury to salvage the part. So, it is necessary for such patients to reach hospitals as soon as possible. It is crucial to increase awareness about this golden hour period, i.e., 1-6 hours from the time of injury." Dr Naveen Kumar and his team have delivered much needed reconstructive work for several patients: examples include birth defects such as cleft lip and palate, careful replacement of missing skin, tendons, muscle or nerve after trauma, perform reconstruction of the breast after breast cancer, reconstruct limbs and the face after trauma and/or cancer surgery.

The Bengaluru Gleneagles Global Hospitals, Cluster COO, Biju Nair said, "Our Plastic Surgery department works very closely with our Cancer and Trauma doctors to deliver patients the much-needed self-respect and pride through visual reconstruction.

Large volume of cases managed at our centre are extremely complex road accidents and workplace emergencies which require many specialities to work very closely for days together to bring patients back to normalcy. I thank all the doctor teams, especially my Plastic Surgeons for giving their very best in such critical situations."

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