Dance like a Chicken Day

Dance like a Chicken Day

Dance like a Chicken Day


We've all seen it, it's utterly ridiculous and usually performed in a bout of intoxicant-driven lunacy.

We've all seen it, it's utterly ridiculous and usually performed in a bout of intoxicant-driven lunacy. You tuck your hands into your arm-pits to make 'wings,' and then you flap like an idiot in time with some particularly unfortunate music. All that aside, you have complete giggle fits with a bunch of your friends while you behave in a fashion that has the local sanitarium eyeballing you for membership.

What are we talking about? The Chicken Dance of course. Dance like a Chicken Day commemorates this dance and its origins and even gives you a chance to learn WHY anyone would do this terrible, terrible thing.

The best way to celebrate Dance like a Chicken Day is by getting out there and doing the Chicken Dance. It's quite simple, and it all starts with making a beak with your hands, and 'squawk' them four times in beat with the music, then you make wings as described earlier, and flap them four times in time with the music.

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