Fake Samsonite bags seized

Fake Samsonite bags seized

One person name SMD Rafiq was arrested under the same case. Cops seized more than 200 American Tourister bagpacks and arrested the accused.

Kurnool: The II Town Police station, Kurnool along with Enforcers of Intellectual property rights (EIPR) carried a raid at a shop name Italian Belts House, Haji Ghulam Hussain Arcade,Opp. Zilla Parishad, Chandana Brothers Shopping Complex, Kurnool that were dealing in fake Samsonite bags.

One person name SMD Rafiq was arrested under the same case. Cops seized more than 200 American Tourister bagpacks and arrested the accused.

EIPR officials said, “We had information about the shop dealing in fake products and carried our investigation into it. Once we were confirmed, we informed the cops, who raided the place and arrested the accused.”

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